The new House Plan for Sardinia arrives but this time it will be "forever".

A law that in fact does not provide for deadlines and that fills a legislative vacuum that has lasted for nine months , that is, since the old man was rejected by the Constitutional Court.

The regional councilor for urban planning Quirico Sanna has already deposited the bill in the council where it will be approved in the next session.

Today the illustration of the text before the Government of the territory commission in the Regional Council.

"In this law there is the part that the Court did not reject - explains Sanna - it is a revolutionary measure in many respects because it acts on the built with a virtuous vision because we do not consume territory , rather we retrain and regenerate by acting above all on old-fashioned premises, situations of hardship, concentrated in particular in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods of the cities ". This, he added, means “improving the quality of life and giving an improved landscape image”.

The law is expected to be approved by the regional council by the end of the year. In any case, Sanna points out, “it is not a House Plan, but a law of urban redevelopment and regeneration”.

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