The latest service activated is efficient and also seems to be in high demand. “I'm calling from the miracle office. I'm examining your file”: on the other end of the phone is Gesù (from Cagliari), born Matteo Siddi.

A sort of web messiah who doesn't multiply loaves and fishes, but is definitely going great with his followers: they look to him for comfort and answers for the most disparate needs. Like Francesca, who wants the love of her life, Efisio, less romantic, aims for the PlayStation 5 and Mattia asks for mercy to pass the alcohol test. No judgements, obviously, but there is no compromise on the little things done. So it can happen that even after sixteen years the call arrives from above to settle the score.

The conversion

Inside the demanding and ambitious clothes of Jesus he seems to be quite comfortable: «It's beautiful, I feel a lot of affection», says Matthew, who, having passed the age of thirty-three, has just celebrated his forty and in the real world he works as a tobacconist in the morning; in the evening the singer, actor and acting teacher. "I don't know why, but my life has always been linked to the figure of Jesus in some way: when I was a boy they told me that my voice was perfect to interpret him", says he who is neither Catholic nor a believer. Then the shock: «In 2009 I saw the Jesus Christ superstar recital. I fell in love with it, so much so that shortly after I found a local theater company that took me on to play Jesus." In Maddalena's shoes there was Roberta, now his wife: another strange coincidence in a journey that shortly led him to open the Facebook page "Jesus of Cagliari".

Virtual faithful

Long, black hair, slim physique and a well-hidden rock soul. However, his skill is definitely evident: accompanied by the right dose of irony and genius, they have led him to reach over 123 thousand faithful - lay people - on Facebook, and more than 100 thousand on YouTube. On the other hand, we know, the ways of the lord are infinite. And Matteo, since his debut in the guise of Jesus, has been covering them all: he started with memes inspired by the sacred scriptures, revisited and proposed in a decidedly ironic way on the web, with a mix between Italian and Sardinian. A success from the beginning, which has grown over time with likes and enthusiastic comments on various social networks, where among other things he has refined his art, while also continuing to offer valuable advice for living better. In the repertoire, for example, there is the meme regarding the last day of the year, where Jesus speaks to his disciples: «And on the 31st remember not to be unfrati, because whoever is in Mazzabrutta on New Year's Eve is in Mazzabrutta all year round ».

Pirri and miracles

A constant presence of the web, which even in the sad days of the pandemic kept us company, demonstrating its ability to adapt to the times. So, in the midst of Covid, in the transition from the red zone to semi-freedom, Jesus appeared on his page: «Oh, from Monday yellow zone, it's time to comb your hair again». And then there is Pirri, quite recurring in cartoons and sketches also with the character of Stuart Arrodu, an unlikely footballer from Pirri: «Tommaso, Uncle Jesus has already told you plenty of times. Don't hit the other children, if they are Pirri's, they are not to blame." Also inevitable is a reference to the endless construction site on Via Roma: «Are you really leaving it closed until July? But tell me it's your fault, everyone takes it out on dad." Lastly, the activation of the miracle office, where Matteo appears on the screen wearing a red and white tunic, and pretends with the phone in his hand to call the phantom faithful who have asked for a grace, promising in exchange for unfulfilled promises. And since the word is sacred, sooner or later someone comes along to settle the score.

Sara Marci

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