The companies that manage the bottled mineral water business make millions in business and pay very low fees to the Regions for the exploitation of the springs .

The M5s regional councilor Michele Ciusa denounces it, who also presented a question about the president Christian Solinas.

A "scandal", says Ciusa, already denounced by Legambiente and Altraeconomia. In 2006, recalls the pentastellato, «an addressing document was defined which proposed uniform fees throughout the country and the introduction of the obligation to pay both according to the hectares given in concession and for the bottled volumes , indicating as reference figures at least 30 euros per hectare and an amount between 1 and 2.5 euros per bottled cubic meter».

Conditions, he continues, which are still "very advantageous" for companies. Even more so in Sardinia where, despite the guidelines of the State-Regions Conference, payment is expected «only of the fee linked to the concession of public land which amounts to 41.06 euros per hectare» . Only Puglia as well as Sardinia has not adapted, but at least requires 149.5 euros for each hectare, more than three times the island.

Hence the question to Solinas and the regional councilor for health: " A timely intervention is necessary that allows the Region to have higher revenues which translate into resources that can be tied up in investments in the area in favor of the protection of aquatic ecosystems".


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