How much noise for this newborn Meloni Government . And it is not even clear whether the exultation and the apparent international respect are due to the fact that the President of the Council of Ministers is a woman, and moreover inserted in a center-right coalition, or to the merit of the newly appointed person or, instead , and this seems more probable, if those acclamations are due, to the sole fact that Giorgia Meloni, in any case, will not be able to deviate from the path already traced by Mario Draghi , that is to say from his cumbersome predecessor. And if so, nihil novum sub sole?

Which, translated, would mean: what would the few Italians who went to the polls have voted to do if they wanted to change everything and then find themselves at the starting line? Because, if the assumptions of the opposition exercised in Parliament and those of the period immediately preceding the election campaign had as cornerstones the arguments concerning the need to have "naval blockades" (as this was the terminology used) as well as that of keeping a hard line towards a Europe with respect to which the criticality indices were of increasing intensity since it was almost conceived as a "usurper" (allow the term only for expressive-argumentative purposes) of national sovereignty, then, perhaps, something would seem not to return.

It would be a question of maintaining a coherent attitude : certainly difficult to share, but at least one would not have the impression that he wanted to vote on the right to wake up with an almost left-wing political stance.

We speak in terms of impressions, it is true, and only the results of this experience of government will be able to shed light on the merits and demerits of the one who is defined as the first Italian woman President of the Council of Ministers.

What is certain is that the Italians could not tolerate having voted "A" only to end up with "B". And, to say it all, precisely that "B", that is what appears as an alternative, seems to announce itself to be decisive on the fate of the newborn government, destined, perhaps, to be evanescent and uncertain due to the centrifugal and centripetal action coming from both from the nerve center of their own line-up and from the left-handed "periphery", anxious to capitalize on the momentarily lost consensus, regaining them by rebound.

Meanwhile, because it is one thing to be able to win in the context of an electoral round in which the flavor of the different and the anxiety of the unprecedented government seem to have prevailed in spite of everything, that is, despite every more solid and reasonable motto of the soul. So because Giorgia Meloni will not only have to worry about implementing valid and effective policies, but even before, and upstream, she will have to redefine the contours of a coalition that has now lost its original stylistic-expressive connotations and its own dynamics of internal articulation to become a "big" and "confused" cauldron "in search of an author" and to test a leadership in pink recognized not exactly as such as identified and circumscribed in a connotation of "gender" conceived almost as a punishment of "transversal retaliation" to the detriment of male and male power, and therefore also potentially affecting the dynamics of what was a true "left" of government. Finally, because, precisely as a "nemesis", the Meloni Government will be destined to survive only for the time needed to fulfill those commitments necessary for the orderly functioning of the government machine: that is, to be clear, until next January or so, since so much (little) will be enough for the people of those who voted, and for the rest of the skeptics, to "read" concretely and clearly, consistency and cipher of the Melonian "coherence", perhaps destined, and it would indeed be hoped the opposite, for crashing, with good verisimilitude, on the rocks of governmental reality. All the more so when, and curiously, the most significant endorsements she receives them from the great left thinkers, more attentive than ever and more than ever to the profiles of safeguarding the rights of the person and, even more so when, precisely the Colle is vigilant attentive of the government path, destined to be supinely atlantist and pro-European in the probably “worst” formula.

In short, the real problem of Giorgia Meloni remains the fact that she will not be able to count on the support of the Secretary of the League, within a Ministry that is, after all, easy to manage and of no responsibility if we want to put it in these terms, much less on that of Silvio Berlusconi, great excluded from the fate of an executive who in giving importance to his faithful deputy Antonio Tajani, basically breaks the crystal glass of the ancient team balance.

Will the new prime minister be able to express those qualities of synthesis to extricate herself between the claims of the allies and the stinging observations of an opposition anxious to be involved in the dynamics of government? Unfortunately, whatever you want to say, Giorgia Meloni seems to have prevailed at the worst moment, in a moment that, rather than bringing out her skills, will contribute to marking her possible decline.

It would seem to be a story already written: voted for never having governed yet, it could govern and fall for not being able to express its prerogatives.

It is all too clear that the speed of the construction operations of the newborn government were favored by the action of the Colle which, having acknowledged the will of the voters, was in a hurry to guarantee the harmonious continuation of the administration that belonged to Mario Draghi.

Giuseppina Di Salvatore - Lawyer, Nuoro

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