The first and only acorn spirit in the world was produced in Sardinia. It is called Làndhe and was born from an intuition of Fabio Depperu, a Sardinian entrepreneur with a degree in agriculture.

The distillate, the fruit of the oak, has its "home" near Tempio Pausania, among the forests of Limbara.

“Acorns, very rich in properties, have been used for food for centuries,” says Depperu, who produces brandy in his Frutti di Bosco farm and Arsura Distillery.

To get to the result, the accurate and long research carried out with the technical support of the University of Agri-food Sciences and Technologies of Udine proved to be fundamental. "Studies and analyzes, tests after tests, with such a particular ingredient: we could not go wrong - underlines the entrepreneur - we aimed to create a product that can stand up to comparison in a demanding market such as that of spirits".

The brandy, with a soft and acid-free character, is far from the aromas released by grappa, cognac, whiskey, rum, tequila. The advice is to combine it with sweets of sapa, amaretti, or steamed to give that seductive note to a fillet of beef.

The acorns are distilled without adding sugar, glycerin, or caramel and there is no passage in wood.

Mario Ara, regional coordinator and national vice president of Unilavoro, is now in charge of making the product known nationally. But the Tempiese distillery is already working on another product: “Lìcchitta”, a distillate made with six berries, blueberries, white and red currants, white and red gooseberries, blackberries without thorns. "It is unique because on the international market it is present only as a single fruit distillate", explains Depperu. And, again, "Melalione", arbutus brandy, barricaded for six months in acacia barrels. For now it is in an experimental phase.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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