“Una vita”, the personal exhibition dedicated to the famous works of Gavino Sanna, extended on the occasion of the Cap D'Any 2023-2024 celebrations, is drawing to a close. Its finissage will take place on Sunday 7 January at 6pm in the presence of the president of the Alghero Foundation, Andrea Federico Delogu, and the mayor Mario Conoci.

Over two months of exhibition for more than two thousand visitors. The great participation of citizens and institutions was an opportunity to once again pay homage to the artist who, in the months spent in Alghero, was an added value not only thanks to his constant presence but also thanks to the immense availability shown in series of meetings featuring pupils from schools, coming from various areas of Sardinia, who were able to benefit from his stories.

The artist who has collaborated with the most important national brands such as Fiat, Barilla, Mulino Bianco and Giovanni Rana has collected all the emotions transmitted by students, young and old, to whom he recommends never to give up in difficulties. A challenge that he has taken up in his long career.

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