Oral notice of the questore also for minors, stop using cell phones and prison for parents who do not send their children to compulsory school. The squeeze on juvenile crime arrives on the table of the Council of Ministers which is preparing today to launch a decree law in the wake of the events in Palermo and Caivano.

Stringent measures that will review articles of the penal code in some cases. The law providing for the restriction on access to porn sites by minors will also be included.

"A 14-year-old who kills, robs or sells drugs must pay as a 50-year-old pays", the words of Matteo Salvini . For the senator of the Alliance Verdi and Sinistra Italia, Ilaria Cucchi , on the other hand, "tougher penalties for minors is pure madness". "We guarantee more security in our cities", Minister Matteo Piantedosi explains from the Interior Ministry.

The oral warning of the Quaestor also extends to fourteen-year-olds who, in the event that the young person is convicted - even if not definitively - can prohibit the use of social networks, the web and mobile phones . Supervision of the young person is, of course, entrusted to the parents or to those in any case exercising parental responsibility who risk a fine of between 200 and 1,000 euros unless they prove "that they were unable to prevent the act". Precisely the ban on the use of telephones is the rule on which ministers are most divided.

There will be a tightening on the diffusion of weapons among young people in urban contexts, with arrests in flagrante delicto for crimes related to failure to carry firearms or possession of weapons intended to offend .

Changes on juvenile rehabilitation. In the case of crimes for which a maximum penalty of no more than 5 years' imprisonment is envisaged, the public prosecutor notifies the minor and the parents of the request for early definition of the procedure on condition that the minor "accesses a path of reintegration and re-education which provides for the carrying out of socially useful work or the free collaboration with non-profit organizations or the carrying out of other activities for the benefit of the community to which one belongs, for a period between one and six months".

A squeeze, then, also arrives on the front of early school leaving . In fact, the 30 euro fine for parents who do not send their children to compulsory school has disappeared, replaced by a new article of the penal code which provides for a sentence of up to two years in prison .

There will also be restrictions on access to pornographic sites . According to what has been learned, the proposal, strongly desired by Minister Eugenia Roccella, provides for age certification measures for access to hot sites and an encouragement to families to use parental controls on devices used by minors.


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