At the end of a meeting that lasted over nine hours , the center-right chose Paolo Truzzu by a large majority as candidate for the regional elections on 25 February . Eight acronyms in favor of the mayor of Cagliari, four for the outgoing governor (Lega, Psd'Az and two civic ones, “Solinas Presidente” and “Sardi al centro”).

But Lega and Psd'Az are not in favor of it, and they are playing the card of the national table, which today should make the candidacy of the mayor of Cagliari official.

«The table of the centre-right, civic, autonomist coalition - we read in a note released by the regional coordinator of FdI Antonella Zedda - has identified, by a large majority as the candidacy proposal, that of the mayor of Cagliari Paolo Truzzu who received the approval of the political forces."

« Today's work at the regional table - explains Zedda - will lead in the next few hours to the formalization of the candidacy for the office of governor on which all the national and regional political forces of the center right will converge, sharing commitment and energy together for the benefit of the Sardinians and Sardinia» .

The interpretation of Psd'Az and Lega is different, as they chose to keep the point while remaining on their own positions. They have not signed the agreement and are still taking time. «The positions have been crystallized in the regional table, tomorrow (today, ed.) a national table is planned which will be responsible for the synthesis between the two names », said the regional coordinator of the Carroccio Michele Pais .

«The regional table – highlighted Solinas – has carried out an important investigation, has cleared the field of other names and now there are two candidates left which will be summarized with the national passage ».

In short, if for the Brothers of Italy the decision has been made and only needs to be ratified, for the League and Solinas nothing has been decided and there is a further step to be taken. The nightmare of the split agitated the center-right for a long time, so much so that the meeting lasted more than nine hours, including breaks, bilateral meetings and talks with the Roman representatives.

Today, immediately after the decision of the national table, the Psd'Az will meet and decide what to do. And Solinas, if as now seems certain he fails to obtain the candidacy for a second term, could obtain a safe constituency in the European elections. Maybe in the Lombardy district .


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