«Providing good governance to the Sardinians is the spirit that inspires us in this electoral campaign», began the Vice President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani, this morning in Olbia , welcomed in front of the Town Hall by the mayor of Olbia, Settimo Nizzi, by the former Forzista governor of Sardinia, Ugo Cappellacci, and by the deputy, Pietro Pittalis.

A praise to Sardinia and the tenacity of the Sardinians, a thought to the founder of the party, Silvio Berlusconi, and the projects for the island. Then, Tajani met a delegation of farmers and breeders who waited for him in front of the Municipality to explain the reasons for their protest.

"We will give answers," said the secretary of Forza Italia, placing the blame on the "wrong" environmental policy of a socialist EU commissioner which I have always contested. « I am a convinced environmentalist – the words of Tajani – Sardinia must also be protected for its natural beauty, but an environmental policy cannot be ideological, because without agriculture and industry we cannot move forward ».

For Tajani the central issue "is not Irpef, on which we are trying to give concrete answers", but it is water. " We must create reservoirs that allow the water to be used to support agriculture during times of drought ."

" I am here to give my full support to the candidate Truzzu ", continued Tajani, underlining, among the various problems of the island, that of territorial continuity . «I remember the great commitment made by our Sardinian MEP Salvatore Cicu who fought tirelessly to protect Sardinia's interests at a European level. Europe must look more carefully at the islands, it is a battle that I have also fought as President of Parliament."

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