Massive participation this morning, in Cagliari, in the demonstration promoted by the CGIL and the UIL at the national level, on the occasion of the eight-hour general strike, proclaimed to ask for the modification of the budget law of the Draghi government.
In Piazza dei Centomila, according to an estimate of the union representatives, more than 5 thousand people came from various areas of Sardinia.
In addition to the Sardinian capital, demonstrations were also organized in Rome, Milan, Bari and Palermo. Involved all productive sectors of the public and private sector - from industry, to education, to commerce - with the exception of health and related services, committed to guaranteeing essential services and the priority right to health of citizens in this phase of pandemic emergency.
At the center of the claims are taxation, pensions, industrial policies, contrasting relocations and precariousness, health care, non self-sufficiency and schools. For the trade unions, these are the critical points of this maneuver, considered inadequate by both Confederations.

(foto Bullegas)

In addition to the regional, confederal and category secretaries general, the national confederal secretary of the CGIL, Roberto Ghiselli, also participated, observing how today we must "look at the world of work in a new way, giving a perspective even after the pandemic to encourage quality development and employment. There is a lot of money to invest. They can be wasted, not spent or well spent. We want them to be well spent to create stable jobs, with good wages, and to allow everyone, especially the youngest, to be able to build a future ".
Speaking of the non-membership of the CISL, Ghiselli admitted that “any union break, of course, is painful. We have made a different assessment and we think we have our good reasons to strike and demonstrate ”.
The regional secretary general of CGIL Sardinia, Samuele Piddiu, made it clear that with today's protest "better conditions are being claimed for all those sections of the population that have remained behind and excluded in recent years. The pandemic has also led to a further inequality. Those who were well before, today are even better, and those who were ill are now in a condition of greater discomfort ”.
The regional secretary general of Uil Sardinia, Francesca Ticca, stressed that “in Sardinia there are people who cannot afford heating in winter, because they take 630 euros a month and have to pay rent in public housing and eat. The reality is this. A maneuver that in the big economy and finance can go well, because after years it puts important resources in the running, in Sardinia it unfortunately has minimal repercussions. That's why it needs to be reviewed ”.
A large screen was also placed in the square to allow those present to follow the final speeches of the demonstration in Piazza del Popolo, in Rome, by the national secretaries general of the CGIL Maurizio Landini and of the Uil PierPaolo Bombardieri.

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