No collegiate passages with party secretaries before the reshuffle .

"We have done a lot - explained the president of the Region Christian Solinas on the sidelines of the meeting on the Einstein Telescope project - I think a few bilateral refinements are sufficient now and then I reserve the right to formulate the Giunta's proposal ".

Proposal that should arrive next week. Not before because "they are waiting for some political forces to define their internal paths to suggest the curricula of eligible candidates as substitutes for the councilors who have left".

Solinas remains convinced of the need for a reset: «It allows us to think in an overall way and relaunch the Government's action. It's not a problem of armchairs, but of three or four strong arguments that interest the Sardinians and that must be at the center of political action in the coming months".

Solinas thinks «of energy issues, expensive bills, transport and health care. Themes that concern everyone and we will cut out the government team on these major issues ».

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