There is the Sardinian entrepreneur Simonetta Bazzu among the 20 women of food, wine and hospitality for 2023 chosen by Cook , the monthly cooking magazine of Corriere della Sera. Award-winning chefs, scientists, managers, food writers   for their creativity and commitment to building successful careers and for having found new ways to promote Italian excellence. «I studied Law at the Catholic University of Milan, lived for two years in Greece and visited many countries in the world, from China to Japan, Africa, America and many others. I've slept in an ice castle at the North Pole, eaten duck beaks in China, and slept on animal skins in Macedonia. But now I live where I was born, in my Gallura."

Simonetta Bazzu, 38 years old, born in Tempio, raised in Budoni, in 2019 created "Vittoria Arimani", a home and laboratory in which she creates tastes, flavors and suggestions to help tourists get to know the Sardinian Island better. «Thanks to my parents who trusted me and to the teaching of my grandparents, - he said during “La Strambata” on Radiolina – I achieved my dream». “Vittoria Arimani” (the latter term means “yesterday” in Gallura dialect) is an idea that was born and developed in an ancient farm in Gallura in the small Olbia hamlet of Battista, located in the Olevà Valley. A four-hour journey of knowledge unfolds inside the stazzo. The rich menu includes "pasta therapy" , which is prepared according to ancient rituals, and tastings of the most representative products to try to discover the secrets of Sardinian longevity . Theory and lots of practice.

« The Cook award – declares Simonetta Bazzu – is dedicated to all Sardinian women who want to commit themselves for their land ». The successful paths of the twenty awarded women were discussed during "Women in food", an event that took place in the Ducal Palace in Urbino. A dialogue «to build all together - underlined Cook's editorial manager Angela Frenda - that collective room that allows us to create, but also to weave alliances of soul and heart. Invisible thin threads that cross the world. And they always start and end in the kitchen." Simonetta Bazzu was the first to go on stage to tell what happens in her laboratory in Battista: «We discussed it. We presented our experiences."

Simonetta Bazzu

Place of suggestions

“Vittoria Arimani” is a temple of handed down knowledge, of strong traditions, habits, crafts that constitute the essence of Sardinia. «The climate is very familiar. Few formalities and pleasantries. Guests come from all over the world to immerse themselves in our material culture. Some of them come specially by private jet, even in the winter months, to undertake this training journey. I focus on domestic activities: making pasta and bread, cultivating the vegetable garden, harvesting in September, because they are habits that are good for the mind and body. A therapeutic space, fully shared, more than a cooking school."

Simonetta Bazzu con Stanley Tucci

The carasau with Tucci

In recent months Simonetta Bazzu hosted the award-winning actor and director Stanley Tucci . He had to record a program for CNN. « For him I carried out the entire process of carasau together with other young people . There was also a very funny moment during the episode. The carasau balloon, just removed from the wood oven, ended up on the ground. We laughed, no one was worried, least of all me. It's normal. I'm not Aunt Raimonda from Oliena who has always dedicated herself to making typical bread."

The entrepreneur has an ambitious project: «I want to create a network of skills and professionalism that can be used in the field of tourism and the promotion of the image of the island. Producers, artisans, professionals and artists who cultivate the idea of a Sardinia finally convinced of its extraordinary potential. Only a close-knit team can face the new challenges of increasingly demanding tourism. Cook's recognition is an additional incentive. I am convinced that I have taken the right path."

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