There was an audience for special occasions in the conference room of the Domu Nosta archaeological museum (Madn) in Senorbì for the presentation of Piergiorgio Pulixi's new novel “Per un'ora d'amore”.

The event, promoted by the Sa Domu Nosta cooperative in collaboration with the Municipality of Senorbì, was part of the cultural event "Afternoon, readings and rereadings" created to rediscover the beauty of communicating with authors and listening to their stories.

«The style, the charisma, the sensitivity of a much loved writer made the room of our museum shine», said Elisabetta Frau, scientific director of the museum in via Scaledda, where the archaeological finds found in the necropolis of Monte Luna and where events and literary meetings of great public appeal are hosted with increasing frequency.

«In his new novel Piergiorgio Pulixi travels, with great mastery, the scenarios of our complex society, but above all he dissects the intricacies of the human soul with its limits, weaknesses, but also the extraordinary ability to love, despite the darkness of evil . It was a beautiful evening, rewarded by the presence of an incredible audience", concluded Frau, who at the end of the dialogue with the author, thanked "the spectators, the representatives of the municipal administration, the people who collaborated in the organization of the initiative and Marco Serra of the Gramar stationery bookshop for his support". Also speaking were the mayor of Senorbì Alessandro Piredddu and the municipal councilor for culture Sonia Mascia.

Pulixi is part of the Sabot writing collective created by Massimo Carlotto, of which he is a student. Together with Carlotto himself and the Sabot he published "Perdas de fogu"   and individually the novel on sexual slavery "A dirty love", included in the noir triptych "Women to lose". He is the author of Biagio Mazzeo's detective saga which began with "Una Brutti Storia", best noir of 2012 for the 'Italian Noir' blog and finalist at the 2013 Camaiore Prize, continued with "La notte delle pantere", winner of the 2015 Glauco Felici Prize, and “ Forever” . He has published short stories in the periodicals 'Manifesto', 'Left', 'Micromega' and 'Strattamento', as well as in several anthologies. His novels are currently being published in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

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