River session in the Constitutional Affairs and Justice commissions of the Chamber: among the proposed amendments approved also the crackdown on light cannabis which, in fact, equates it to non-light cannabis.

The amendment approved in the commission, which will come into force only after the definitive approval of the provision (first reading in the Chamber), proposes to intervene on the law to support the hemp supply chain for industrial use, with a quantity of THC lower than 0, 2%. The cultivation and sale of inflorescences, including cannabis with a low THC content, for uses other than those expressly indicated in the law itself, and therefore industrial ones permitted, is therefore prohibited. The trade or transfer of inflorescences is punished according to the provisions of the Consolidated Law on Narcotic Substances.

The amendment puts the survival of an entire sector at risk, Coldiretti denounces : «It denies the possibility of collecting, using and drying the inflorescence and also blocks exports to foreign markets which represent a large slice of our market, cutting off companies Italian companies completely out of competition at European level. A production sector that employs thousands of people and around 4 thousand hectares under cultivation is being put at risk."

According to Assocanapa, there are over 10,000 workers at risk in the sector. Federica Baravalle of Assocanapa speaks of an «absurd decision, a bolt from the blue. We will fight and make concrete proposals but we fear they will fall on deaf ears. The sector must be regulated but in the right way."


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