There is controversy over the reimbursement of expenses for the Sardinian Cavalcade in Sassari.

«Totally inadequate and disrespectful towards the groups», defines them the Academy of Popular Traditions "Città di Tempio" which announced that «it will not submit an application to participate in the 72nd edition» which will be held in Sassari on 21 May 2023.

The Cavalcade "has become an event of such importance also thanks (and perhaps above all) to the folk groups that participate in it and which make it one of the most important and evocative events on our island".
And yet « the organizers and the Municipality of Sassari are not quite clear on this thing. Surely they will not have much interest in our participation, but it seems right to us to send a strong signal so that even the Folk Groups are treated with the right respect and due consideration».

In the past, other associations have already given up participating in the event , with little incentive to move perhaps from remote countries for reimbursements that barely cover the expenses.


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