A young specimen of Caretta caretta was recovered while floating on the surface of the water, with difficulty in diving .

Now for Carletto (as he was called after the rescue) a new adventure begins in the Marine Animal Recovery Center of Asinara , awaiting his release. The specimen, weighing only 2 kg , was found during a day of monitoring, in the Gulf of Asinara, by Carlo Desole of the Blon Forestry Corps of Porto Torres and Giovannantonio Pilo, veterinarian of the sea turtle recovery center of the Asinara.

L'esemplare di Caretta caretta salvato all'Asinara (foto ufficio stampa)

Once on board, he was transferred and hospitalized in the Center where the veterinarian carried out all the clinical-diagnostic investigations. It emerged that the Caretta caretta is in good health and, after a short period under observation, will return to its natural habitat . Under treatment in the same center there is another specimen on the mend. Its release is scheduled for next spring, and movements will be monitored with a GPS device.

The Centre's activities are part of those of the Sea Observatory of the National Park - Marine Protected Area of Asinara , part of the regional network for the conservation of marine fauna in Sardinia. The center and the Crama association are also preparing an educational offer for all schools visiting the smaller island.


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