Everyone was there this morning demonstrating in front of the San Teodoro comprehensive institute against the loss of autonomy and the merger with the Budoni school . There were parents with banners, representatives of the Institute Council, municipal administrators and there were also children, who entered the classroom an hour later as a sign of protest .

The resolution on school sizing for the 2024/2025 academic year, approved by the Regional Council last December 22nd, entails the loss of the school director, the DSGA (the director of general and administrative services) and all secretarial services on site , which would pass under the management of the Budoni comprehensive institute.

A possibility that the first citizen, Rita Deretta, does not like, due to all the inconveniences that the merger would cause for the Teodorine families. «There is no need to be alarmed – the mayor specified on the sidelines of this morning's demonstration – our school complex will live and our children will continue to attend here. The loss of autonomy, however, means having to give up internal coordination within the institute in a condition that is already difficult in itself due to the regency to which we are subjected ; the lack of the DSGA and the secretariat on site would represent a further inconvenience".


Not all is lost, however, for the Teodorina school which can count on Cagliari's approval of the extension requested some time ago by Anci Sardinia. Good news which provides for the allocation of regional funds to support autonomies while awaiting a general reform of the Sardinian school system. A sort of regulatory bridge that saves schools in small towns for a year in view of a new law. "The entire set of rules on education must be re-discussed - commented the mayor Deretta - we must address the school law and avoid making the mistake that we have seen made in healthcare, namely that of merging to the detriment of the territories" . The municipal administration of San Teodoro is trying everything even with the hiring of a lawyer who will evaluate the possibility of challenging the regional resolution which sanctions the merger.

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