Villanova Strisaili: -9.6 degrees. Minus 8.2 in Gavoi and -8 in Illorai. These are the lowest minimums recorded by the Arpas stations in Sardinia in the night just gone by, which so far proved to be the coldest of the winter season on the island. On the other front, that of the highest minimum, is Piazza Stintino, where it did not drop below 7.3 degrees at the coldest moment.

Le minime della notte in Sardegna

In some places there were frosts, however without any precipitation. And the cooling trend is over. Indeed: what has just begun will be a week of anomalous heat for the period.

All the "fault" of a large sub-tropical anticyclone which from today began to extend over central-western Europe and gradually reached Italy as well.

The greatest effects should be felt around Thursday 25 January, when the phenomenon will reach its peak and temperatures well above 20 degrees could be recorded in Sardinia.


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