Ultimatum to the Region and Anas for the start of work on the new Olbia Arzachena Santa Teresa. During the sit-in put in place by trade unions and trade organizations in Arzachena, new and sensational protest initiatives were announced in the event of non-use of the funds already allocated for the work, considered one of the great unfinished works in Gallura.

The mayors of the most important centers in the North East, led by Olbia, Arzachena and Tempio Pausania, are asking for the work to be commissioned and for the national government to intervene. The territorial secretary of the Cisl, Mirko Idili, has asked for the convening of a permanent table, trade unions and trade organizations are also ready to block the road, which today is absolutely inadequate for traffic volumes, especially in summer.

La manifestazione (foto Busia)

Quirico Sanna, head of cabinet of the president of the Region, announced that the minister of Infrastructures, Matteo Salvini, is evaluating the inclusion of the work among those priorities at national level.

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