Disturbing fact that happened during the night in Sassari . The large marble plaque of Enrico Berlinguer, the communist leader from Sassari who died in 1984, was removed by unknown persons .

The municipal administration had placed it three months ago in front of his home in via Dante 15. The plate was found in the late morning under a car parked in nearby via Torres . The vehicle in question was also covered with waste: those present in a nearby dumpster.

Which would suggest a disfigurement to Berlinguer or an intimidation towards the owner of the vehicle, who was involved in politics in the distant past. The Sassari Digos is investigating the matter, which is collecting useful elements.

Nelle foto la struttura che regge la targa mancante di Enrico Berlinguer in via Dante 15 e l'auto sotto la quale è stata ritrovata (Foto Tellini)

One of the first to notice the fact was the Sassari lawyer Marco Langiu, who has his office in the building where Enrico Berlinguer lived: "This morning, going to the office, I immediately noticed the large missing plate - he explains -. I was very sorry, first of all. as a democrat. And I think that this action, vandalic, political or not, displeases all Sassari people. At the time, together with a group of friends, we wrote to the Administration stating that the plate had been placed in an unfortunate position: too close to the road and not leaning against the walls of the building. In any case - he concludes - the incident does not justify such vile acts ".

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