There are many fears. There are those who have the obsession that the cylinder can move too much. Maybe during Sa remada . But also those who are afraid that the camellia may fall during the gallop. Concerns that only housewives can understand.

The big day, that of Sartiglia, is about to arrive for them too, the girls who will transform the race leader into componidori. After several rigorously secret tests they are about to climb onto the little bridge to live a dream made of needles, threads and lots of emotions.

La vestizione (Foto Sara Pinna) 

Fabrizio Manca, componidori chosen by the Gremio dei Falegnami led by Majorali Gino Mugheddu, will be dressed by Angelica Picconi and Eleonora Manca: they will arrange the veil and top hat for the first time. The first is the daughter of the housewife Tiziana Fanni, 59 years old, the one who will observe from the bottom of the little house that everything is going well, without any hitches. The second, however, is the daughter of the componidori. "I will have a piece of my heart in front of me, there's no denying it - says mother Tiziana - it will be beautiful." In short, everything in the family, a perfect picture to frame and remember forever.

Un momento della vestizione (Foto Sara Pinna) 

There is also excitement in the Farmers' Gremio. Giovanni Utzeri, the knight chosen to lead the Sartiglia on Sunday, will be dressed by Alice Franceschi, granddaughter of the current Oberaiu majori Giuseppe Vacca and Angelica Pinna, daughter of Michele Pinna, Oberaiu majori of 2022.

Susanna Sanna, 33 years old, will instead take on the role of sa   housewife manna, after many years as a housewife. «I didn't expect to be called to cover this important role - says the girl - It will be strange for me not to be able to put my hands on the clothes, but I trust the two girls a lot. Now we understand each other with a glance."

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