The school is an important bulwark of the territory and Gianni Spiga, an energetic and combative trade unionist of the Flc Cgil , who has his headquarters in the Medio Campidano in San Gavino Monreale , knows it well.

Now with the unifications there is a risk of the destruction of the school in the territory: «The school sizing has been postponed for only a year, but the future looks gray. Just think that there will be only one comprehensive school in Villacidro (now there are two) and the autonomy of Gonnosfanadiga and Arbus will be canceled with another large unification . It is absurd to create schools with over 900 pupils in an area like Medio Campidano where early school leaving is almost 50 percent ».

L'istituto comprensivo Giuseppe Dessì di Villacidro (foto Pittau)

Added to this is an inadequate public transport system and part of the school buildings in urgent need of maintenance. That's why the Flc Cgil raises the alarm asking for greater attention to the school which can allow the revitalization of an area that is among the poorest in Italy.

Studenti del Medio Campidano sugli autobus diretti a scuola (foto Pittau)
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