«One of the most beautiful panoramas of the Mediterranean Sea is disfigured by the incivility of those who abandon their waste on the street and by the inability of local administrations to react in a firm manner. This time I've decided: if by tomorrow someone doesn't intervene to eliminate the illegal dumping along the panoramic road between Gonnesa and Portoscuso, I'll buy gloves and bags and I'll do it in person». Word of Massimo Giletti.

Massimo Giletti davanti ai rifiuti abbandonati lungo la Provinciale 102

In recent days, the journalist had made a video in which he documented the beauty of the landscape of the town in southwestern Sardinia, along the Provincial Road 102, and then shifted the lens towards what was on the ground, at the roadside: all kinds, abandon yourself.

«Unfortunately, rudeness is a cultural problem that is difficult to eradicate – he explains – but it has been six years since I arrived in Sulcis Iglesiente that I stopped, like thousands of tourists, to admire a panorama of incomparable beauty, the Gulf of Lion, along the road takes me to Portoscuso: here I find myself having to dodge old cans, envelopes, paper and other rubbish».

Now Giletti is launching an appeal and asking for an intervention by the Municipalities concerned, even if he knows that that road does not fall under their jurisdiction. Otherwise he will take care of it.

But it is almost all the roads on the island that are dotted with illegal dumps, with bumps and rest areas covered in garbage. Controls and sanctions have proved insufficient.

Details on L'Unione sarda on newsstands and on the app in the articles by Stefania Piredda and Piera Serusi

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