Chaos reigns supreme in the primary school in via Stockholma in Cagliari . Today the school board meeting was scheduled but when the parents, manager and safety manager had already started the first discussions on the transfer of the children to the Italo Stagno in Is Mirrionis, here was the twist. A school assistant gives the president of the assembly a sealed yellow envelope. Sender: the teachers and Ata component of the Institute Council.

The content is heavy and, in addition to highlighting formal defects on the times of convocation and on the statements of the Guarantor for children and adolescents, it focuses on the decision-making problem: «The determination of the school premises in which the teaching activities of the primary school in via Stockholma are assumed by the only competent body for the management of school spaces, i.e. the local authority".

A new meeting has been called for tomorrow, but the outcome is easily predictable from the letter. Time passes but solutions cannot be found. Of the 18 spaces that were supposed to be available in the alternative building, perhaps only 10 are "good".

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