From the public order and security services, as many as 2,648 in twelve months, to the rescue and identification of migrants, to arrests (311), to drug investigations and those for each criminal offence, and moving on to office work, such as for example the one for issuing passports (twelve thousand in the first three months of this year). They are a small part of the Police presence in the Cagliari area, data disclosed on the occasion of the 171st anniversary of the State Police party.

La sala della Fiera (foto Vercelli)

In the congress hall of the Fair, full after three years of limitations due to Covid, the commissioner of Cagliari Paolo Rossi recalled "the daily commitment of women and men of the State Police who guaranteed security and order in the area". For Rossi it is the last party: «Next February I will turn 65 and I will leave the operational part», he said and then interrupted the speech because he was moved to thank all those who contributed to the work done by all the Police personnel, and from all the disciplines and offices present in the Questura. Also to ensure the mobility of citizens: "With great effort, the staff of the administrative office issued 12,000 passports in three months, reducing waiting times".

He also underlined the collaboration with the other police forces and with the Public Prosecutor's Office during all investigative and public order management activities. The commissioner underlined the risks that the agents run every day: «Like the three policemen of the Falchi della Mobile attacked in Piazza del Carmine during an anti-drug activity. They avoided using weapons despite being surrounded by several foreigners, so as not to endanger the children and families present in the square".

Il questore Paolo Rossi con il prefetto Giuseppe De Matteis (foto Vercelli)

The party continued with the delivery of prizes and commendations to the agents who have distinguished themselves in operations and investigative activities in recent years.

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