On one side the crystalline sea of Sinis, on the other a tragic image for the environment: an expanse of never-seen microplastics. Objects of all kinds transported by the sea but also abandoned on the beach by holidaymakers who are not attentive to respecting the territory. Rude, in short.

Yesterday morning the first ecological day of the year took place in the seaside village of San Giovanni di Sinis, an initiative promoted by the Municipality of Cabras in collaboration with Plastic Free. This is in light of the recent agreement signed between the municipal administrators and the voluntary association. Among the initiatives signed in the agreement there is also the cleaning of the coast, but also environmental awareness in schools and through social networks.

La plastica (foto concessa) 

On Sunday morning there were 35 volunteers who, armed with gloves, bags and a lot of willpower, collected a lot of plastic: 250 kilos in total. An exaggerated number, which makes it clear how widespread the problem is also in the Sinis area. Many objects were collected, including the plastic tips of umbrellas which regularly get stuck in the sand and which users of the coast should in theory avoid abandoning. There are also a lot of plastic cotton bud sticks: these represent 9% of the waste found on Italian beaches, an average of 60 for each beach. That's what the experts say. Material that is increasingly ingested by marine animals with all the associated problems. The many bottles and caps are inevitable.

The area where the most plastic was found was behind the tower. Various waste was also collected. Since yesterday, however, San Giovanni beach has breathed a little more. As the Environment Councilor Carlo Carta announced a few days ago, the hope is that other private individuals and associations can emulate this noble initiative.

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