Telling the story of the intimate Sardinia of the past, the one that women kept hidden, perhaps out of shame, out of fear. Maybe. This is the objective of the project created by Cabras photographer Ilenia Spanu. She decided to immortalize the pregnancy with traditional Sardinian clothes, images taken in her studio in the town but also in the village of San Salvatore.

Lo scatto di Ilenia Spanu 

«In the past, pregnancy was almost a taboo, it was kept hidden and large clothes were worn - says the photographer - This is why I decided to set up this project entitled "If I had lived in the past, I would have photographed this intimate and special moment of life?"".

Lo scatto di Ilenia Spanu 

An initiative born after months of study, information on the clothes to wear and after listening to lots of advice from citizens of a certain age. «Now I photograph many pregnant women. In short, it has become normal. However, it is difficult to find ancient photos that show women with bellies and in traditional clothing." The immortalized family, "the one from the past", comes from Mogoro. The protagonists of the shots are the future mother Valeria Piras and the future father Michele Urraci together with their little Camilla. «The photos - Ilenia Spanu continues - will be displayed in an exhibition in Cabras».

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