All at the feet of the queen of the country, her majesty the bottarga. The Festival dedicated to the country's typical product closes successfully. From Friday to Sunday, thousands of tourists filled the accommodation facilities and reached the streets of Cabras. «We close the season with the last great event, which tells us through the culture of food and wine and through culinary art - said the mayor Andrea Abis - an important heritage of traditions, colors and flavors that allows us to promote a the whole territory. The history of the pond is the history of Cabras and this natural asset produces the mullet from which the fishermen obtain the delicious bottarga. A fundamental economic and social factor for Cabras which, together with other excellences such as Vernaccia, we place at the center of our programming and which sees the Festival as a strong promotional measure".

La sfida dei barman (foto concessa)

Around the bottarga not only tastings but also workshops, show cooking, shows and debates. «Bottarga and Vernaccia this year are the elements that have increased the cultural proposal of the events of the long summer season of Cabrarese - said the councilor for Culture and Tourism Carlo Trincas - We are satisfied with the great success confirmed by the attendance, starting tomorrow it will be time to take stock but we will continue to talk about bottarga and Sinis in the months that follow, leaving a parenthesis always open and a spotlight focused on our territory".

Yesterday, in Piazza Eleonora, a selected group of barmen demonstrated their skills in creating "after dinner any time" category cocktails. Seven bartenders, among the most highly regarded at a regional level, competed in three categories: best decoration, best working technique and best bottarga-based finger food. In first place Tony Congia. Piazza Eleonora confirmed itself as the true beating heart of the evening during the award ceremony for the "Best Restaurant in Piazza del Gusto", where the jury of food and wine critics experts celebrated the excellence of the Festival and announced the winner: the i Giganti restaurant of Torregrande.


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