This morning, thanks to the organization of the "United Beyond" association which deals with the assistance of people with ALS, the tour of Sulcis in the homes of the patients took place , in collaboration with the motorcyclist group "Amici Bikers".
The intent is to give a moment of light-heartedness to families who live with neurogenerative diseases such as ALS and SMA .
The motorcyclists dressed as Santa Claus - led by nurse Fiorella Meloni from the Sirai resuscitation department and a volunteer for the association - brought gifts offered by some commercial activities in Carbonia and Sant'Antioco to 15 families in Sulcis .

La partenza da Sant’Antioco (foto concessa da Angelucci)

«We decided to carry out this initiative because our association was born mainly with the aim of improving the quality of life of our patients. We want them to be able to enjoy life, smile despite everything and know that there are many people around them who love them . We are committed every day to breaking down the physical and social barriers of marginalization and prejudice», says Meloni.

"We could only accept this invitation with pleasure, especially this Christmas where everything makes us think of our dear friend Massimo Boi, a nurse, volunteer and biker who recently passed away , to whom we have decided to dedicate this day", explains the president of the association Friends Bikers Giampiero Sancho Floris.

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