In the next few days, Anas will reopen the two lanes towards Cagliari on the highway 131 overpass at kilometer 93. The news was anticipated by the Videolina news. An entire lane, for a few hundred metres, had remained closed to traffic for at least a year and a half, apparently for no reason. A narrowing that is dangerous for road safety, especially in the evening, with the warning lights out of use for some time.

Uno dei segnalatori luminosi fuori uso sulla 131, al km 93 (foto Us)

The ghost construction site, just before the crossroads for Fenosu, ended up at the center of a video complaint by the director Emanuele Dessì , published on the social channels of the editorial group and on last November 9th.

Only after that intervention did Anas explain that the "blockage" was linked to a possible "deterioration" of the overpass, which was closed for an entire lane for safety reasons. Hence the "loading tests", on the night of November 20th : Carlo Felice closed to traffic towards Cagliari, with 6 trucks, 43 quintals each . As highlighted by the Videolina news, the measuring rods equipped with sensors, positioned under the bridge, transmitted the data to the software. The technicians' analysis revealed a limited criticality. Monitoring, of course, will continue.

Una delle centraline dei segnalatori luminosi danneggiata al km 93 della 131 (foto Us)

Anas' "prudence" was linked to the "novelties" introduced by the Decree approved after the collapse of the Morandi bridge in Genoa. A measure approved by the Government in 2018.

The good news is that the road, after more than a year and a half, will reopen.


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