He chose the beautiful beach of Orrì, in the municipality of Tortolì , to lay his eggs. A Caretta caretta turtle yesterday, around 7 pm, was spotted in the first beach of the Lido by a family of German tourists who witnessed the spectacular event. They immediately called the toll-free number 1515 activating the agents of the nearby Naval Base of the Arbatax Forestry Corps. The team quickly reached the beach while the turtle was still laying its eggs undisturbed. An extraordinary event due to the unusual time with the sun still high, normally these specimens lay their eggs in the middle of the night.

Il nido protetto (foto Corpo forestale)

Several swimmers approached curiously and the Forestry Corps agents made sure that no one was disturbing so that the turtle could safely close the nest with sand. Shortly after completing his work he resumed the sea route leaving a fantastic memory to the excited spectators. The nest has been secured with special signs.

La Caretta caretta (foto Corpo forestale)

In the late afternoon today, researchers from Cres (Sinis Recovery Center) will also arrive. Since the eggs have been laid too close to the shoreline, the experts will move the nest to a safer place on the beach.

More and more often we witness similar events in Ogliastra's beaches which seem to be optimal places for spawning. It is said that they with an extraordinary sense of direction return to the places where they were born. And maybe it's nice to think so.

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