" Tilipirche " (locusts in the Sardinian language), by Francesco Piras from Cagliari , is among the five finalists at the Nastri d'Argento for the best fiction short.

Filmed in Noragugume (Nuoro), the short film is performed in Sardinian.

The director places emphasis on the strength of nature and the courage of man . In the village in the heart of Sardinia, during a terrible invasion of locusts that devours everything , a farmer - played by the actor and photographer Giuseppe Ungari - must face the passing of the baton, from father to son, for the management of the sheepfold .

«We are proud to see a Sardinian film among the finalists selected for the assignment of the oldest Italian film award established way back in 1946 - underlines Bruno Mossa , president of the Visioni da Ichnussa film association - being among the magnificent five constitutes further recognition of the talent of Francesco Piras. His short films 'Il Nostro Concerto' and 'Mammarranca' earned him numerous awards including the nomination for the David di Donatello and the selection for the Nastri d'Argento. Both were winners in previous editions of the Visioni Sarde event. With "Tilipirche" Piras won the first prize at the 'Visioni Italiane' festival, the Confartigianato prize at the Corto Dorico Film Fest, best overall short and Young Freccia rossa prize at Cortinametraggio".

The award ceremony will take place on May 6th at 5pm in Rome, at the Cinema Caravaggio .

"Tilipirche" is competing with "Coupon. The film of happiness" by Agostino Ferrente, "De l'amour perdu" by Lorenzo Quagliozzi, "Dive" by Aldo Iuliano and "The birthday" of Enrico by Francesco Sossai.

Over 230 shorts were viewed by the national board of film journalists, Sngci, chaired by Laura Delli Colli.


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