Sardinia's GDP in volume returns to increase after the collapse (-9.6%) of 2020, recording a +6.4% in 2021.

The Italian region with the greatest increase is Lombardy (+7.7%), while the one with the smallest increase is Molise (+4.3%). A plus sign also for the national average: 6.7%, against -9% in 2020.

The photograph is in the latest report released by Istat on December 23, 2022.

The new numbers from the Institute of Statistics also certify that the GDP per individual inhabitant on the island has returned to pre-Covid levels : in 2021 it stood at 21,700 euros , like that of 2019, against 20,100 euros in 2020.

The disposable income of Sardinian consumer families per inhabitant is 16,859 euros , against 16,060 euros in 2020 and 15,876 euros in 2019: an increase of 4.2%, higher than the Italian average.

Furthermore, as regards final consumption expenditure of households per inhabitant, in Sardinia it is worth 15,300 euros , against 14,100 euros in 2020 and 15,800 euros in 2019.

The growth rate in volume of expenditure for final consumption of Sardinian families is therefore +5.7% , against -11.7% of the previous year. Also in this case it is one of the most significant increases at a national level.

Istat has also calculated the incidence of the "unobserved" economy (illegal activities, tips, undeclared rents, etc.) on the total added value: in Sardinia it is 15.8% , against 11.6% in the Italian average.

"Sardinia, even in the face of the most difficult scenarios from a socio-economic point of view, once again demonstrates a good capacity for resilience and a propensity towards recovery ". This is Governor Christian Solinas ' comment on the Istat data. Who adds: «The photograph taken by Istat restores the image of a region in health, supported in its vitality by the actions put in place by the regional government which, even during the year in question, managed to put in place the right corrective measures and to start that virtuous process which today, on the eve of Christmas and the new year, represents the best sign of recovery".

«The GDP of Sardinia which is increasing again after the collapse of 2020 and that per individual inhabitant has returned to pre-Covid levels, combined with the data on the income of Sardinian consumer families per inhabitant which is 4.2%, higher than the Italian average, are the best testimony of a Sardinia that wants to recover ", continues Solinas, who also underlines how "the industriousness of businesses and families has been echoed by the measures put in place by the Region to support the economy in all its aspects and in every sector".

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