Sardinia, 12,500 more employed in the first months of 2023. Positive data driven by female employment
Unemployment among women is declining above all, falling to 11%. Solinas: «Results that bode well». Residents on the island without a job remain more than 77 thousandPer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
The situation of the world of work in Sardinia is improving, where in the first months of 2023 there were 12,500 more occupied places than in the same period of 2022.
According to the elaboration of the Statistics Office of the Region on the basis of Istat data , employment in Sardinia grew from 546.4 thousand units in the first quarter of 2022 to 558.9 thousand in the first quarter of 2023, with an overall percentage change of +2.3%.
The entry of a new workforce into the market is a positive sign because it coincides with a decrease in inactive people (the rate for Sardinia goes from 39% to 38.1%, still far from the national performance but still improving), i.e. those who typically stay out of the labor market either because they are discouraged or because they are NEETs (inactive, unemployed young people who do not study and do not follow training courses).
"Promoting female employment by placing those measures capable of reconciling family life and work at the service of Sardinian society by supporting that difficult balance that often leads women to abandon their jobs is an important objective that we as the Regional Council consider a priority" , explains the President of the Region, Christian Solinas . Adding: «The good performance of the labor market in Sardinia in the first quarter of 2023 which is linked to the female component give us hope and are an opportunity to reiterate how women represent a resource of inestimable value, an element of strength and an extraordinary bond also In a working environment".
Again: the unemployed in Sardinia decreased by -5.2%, going from 81.6 thousand in the first quarter of 2022 to 77.4 thousand in the first quarter of 2023.
However, the masculine and feminine dynamics are of opposite sign. Indeed, it is thanks to the significant contraction in female unemployment (-29.2%) that overall unemployment on the island is falling, while male unemployment is increasing. The datum is significant: compared to the South (+4%) and Italy (-3.5%) Sardinia shows the most marked trend decrease.
As a consequence, the unemployment rate in Sardinia went from 13% in the first quarter of 2022 to 12.2% in the first quarter of 2023, as mentioned thanks to the drop in female unemployment (from 16% to 11%), the rate of which therefore reaches be lower than for men (13.1% in the first quarter of 2023).