The intent has been that, for almost thirty years now, to enhance culture and poetry between two lands, historically close, united by the sea of the Bocche di Bonifacio: Gallura and Corsica.

In this context, the awards ceremony of the Poetry Contest of Gallura and Corsa "Lungòni" took place, now in its XXVII edition. The first prize of the Jury and the plaque of the Municipality of Santa Teresa Gallura was won by Clemente Decandia of Tempio Pausania with “Li pitriachi”.

The second place went to Antonello Isoni from Palau for “Notti di salts”; third prize instead to Quirina Ruiu di Telti with “Lacami un sonniu d'azzicà”.

In the racing section, Julie Bajolle was the winner (with the JB Stromboni plate) with “Senza Titolo”, second prize for Petru Squarcini (L'amori) and third place for Jean Frederic Terrazzoni (Vita dopu vita).

Three plaques were distributed: the “Andrea Quiliquini”, for poems on a social topic, was awarded to Francesco Tola di Aggius ; the “Giulio Cossu” for innovative and experimental themes went to Domenico Battaglia of La Maddalena while the “Gianni Filigheddu”, for the satirical genre, was assigned to Pietro Salvatore Riccio of Luogosanto .

The participation of the very young was rather numerous: in the 11-18 year old section the first prize was awarded to Gabriele Serra from Badesi and the second to Michela Stangoni from Tempio Pausania . The children aged 6 to 10 participated in classes: the first and second prizes were won by two classes from the Primary School of Santa Teresa, one with “Mi piaciaria” and the other for “La cuntintesa”.

The jury was made up of Pierantonio Bardanzellu (president) and commissioners Franco Fresi, Andrea Muzzeddu, Jean Marie Arrighi and Pierre Leca. The evening, organized by the Fidali Lungoni 1978, was enlivened by the Corsican group “L'amichi di a musica”, by the “Duo Sassarese-Bazzoni-Floris” and by the “Gruppo Folk Lungoni”.

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