With a tweet on its official profiles, Rai unravels the Sanremo knot : Carlo Conti will be the artistic director and host of the 2025 and 2026 editions of the Festival .

White smoke, therefore, from Viale Mazzini for the post Amadeus.

The name of the host had already been circulated insistently in the last few hours , only official confirmation was awaited.

«The tom tom has already started, my phone is ringing. I'm very pleased: the numbers add up", joked the host, who returns to the Ariston stage after seven years, commenting on the news to the microphones of Tg1. " I'm returning to Sanremo after seven years, I will try to resume the work done and carried forward in a big way by the two editions of Baglioni and by the five editions of Amadeus ."

« Music - continued Conti - as always at the centre , the current one, which is popular, we hope to do a good job and to continue the wonderful tradition of this event which brings everyone together, the whole family in front of the TV».

Conti then revealed that the first to write to him was Fiorello : "If we had been on air, he messaged, we would have had a lot of fun."

«For the next two years I will be the artistic director, moreover it is also a nice way to celebrate my first 40 years of Rai, the first contract dates back to June 1985», he also added.

From today, the host continued, «I will start working and there are very specific steps. Now there is the most important thing which is the regulation, after which we will start listening to the songs of the new proposals, then those of the big names and lastly I will try to understand the team with me on stage for the presentation and all the guests and what comes from it."


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