The participation of the sailor from Cagliari Andrea Mura in the next Global Solo Challenge, the solo around the world, could be skipped. Entries will expire in less than a month and, without concrete and substantial support, Vento di Sardegna will not be on the start line on 3 September in La Coruña.

«Enrollments close in mid-June, I have spent everything I had and without funding from sponsors, I will have to give up my dream, which is also a great promotion opportunity for Sardinia», he revealed on Sunday, during the last episode of the Videolina Sport show.

Mura has been preparing this feat for two years. «We will travel 26,000 miles in 120 days, without assistance or stopovers, it is the toughest sporting event that exists on the planet», he explained, «55 members from 14 nations are expected and a media return of 50 million euros, equal to about a hundred times the cost of this regatta».

Arguments that have not convinced the Region. His no, to the request for funding, bent Mura who still hopes for other aid. "They say I don't get votes and that I don't have political support, it hurts me not to find an outlet to complete incredible opportunities for Sardinia beyond my competitive desire".

Mura, the ocean, has already challenged and beaten it several times. The first in 2010, with the historic victory of the Route du Rhum. Other successes followed: the Twostar, with the course record still unbeaten, and the double success in the Ostar. The circumnavigation of the world is still missing. «It would be the pinnacle of my career, a crazy marathon that for sixty days will take me and my boat Vento di Sardegna around Antarctica , which I bought with this very objective in mind. I hope my appeal is heard, otherwise the dream will vanish".

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