“Requiem to the small and large shadows”, by the poet Mariangela Gualtieri, will be staged on Friday 3 November at 4.30 pm in the atrium of the main entrance of the San Michele cemetery in Cagliari.

Gilberto Ganassi's reading will be accompanied on the piano by Daniele Caria with his unpublished works.

«It is a secular theater but of intense spirituality – explain the organizers – which speaks to us of our deceased as traveling companions, cared for and made still present in our memory and by the imprint they left on our lives and our souls».

La locandina dell'evento
La locandina dell'evento
La locandina dell'evento

The musical reading will begin at 4.30 pm and will feature the lyrics of the poet Gualtieri which address the theme of mourning, with the aim of emerging from a narrow and gloomy idea of death. «The choice of the image of the extraordinary Nuragic Pietà – conclude the organizers, referring to the poster – evokes the idea of the care we owe to each of our dead».

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