" Renzi dissolve Italia Viva or the single party cannot be born ".

Carlo Calenda says it bluntly, interviewed by Corriere, in the aftermath of the split between Action and Italia Viva , which were supposed to give life to the single party of the Third Pole.

In short, the problem is, as always, money: " Renzi does not want to make the commitment to dissolve Italia Viva and to finance the new entity and the electoral campaigns ", a senior executive of Azione explained to Ansa yesterday.

And this for Calenda «is a problem, because if one party does not arise from two parties but three are born, it means that you simply want to keep your hands free . If Renzi is not available to dissolve IV, no party will be born, the impression is that he wants to block everything up to the European elections, delaying every decision".

Again: «You cannot credibly form a party with someone who warns you that he will be director of the Riformista a quarter of an hour before it happens. Our project, on which we work 25 hours a day, cannot depend on a person who does something else 90% of his time and who occasionally comes back and takes apart all the work done ».

Follow the money and it all adds up. That is the decisive point that is leading to a now irreparable break. In essence, for the exponents of Action, Renzi wants to keep Italia Viva alive in order to continue managing the party's funds – including the contributions of 2 per thousand – and does not want to make the commitment to finance the new electoral entity. Proof would be, for the "shareholders", the fact that «he surprisingly replaced Rosato at the helm of the party to directly control its money and structure» .

Yesterday Matteo Renzi brought together parliamentarians and regional councilors and during the meeting very harsh tones would have been used against Calenda and Richetti: among the harshest interventions those of Teresa Bellanova, Roberto Giachetti, Ivan Scalfarotto and Sandro Gozi .

" There is no political reason to break the Third Pole project ," Renzi told his followers. «Someone says that the split feared by Action was born out of money needs, someone says for needs related to the Riformista, someone says it is linked to the dissolution of the party of origin: it is a question of alibis and false motivations . To all of you I say, it's crazy to screw this up now. We won't do it."

«On money - he added - since the beginning of the union between Action and Italia Viva, we have given around one and a half million euros. Most of which was spent promoting the face and name of Calenda . There are invoices to prove it. Someone says it's because of the Riformista affair. I want to be very clear: in the telephone call that preceded the press conference, Carlo was enthusiastic and explained to me that the Third Pole newspaper had to be created . I explained to him that no, it didn't make sense. As for the dissolution of IV, it is clear that if we form a single party, Italia Viva is dissolved, just as Action is dissolved. It is evident, but the early dissolution has never been seen in history, it goes against the laws of physics . First you create a single party, which can only be a party founded on a democratic transition from below, as we have always said".


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