By this evening, at 8pm, the filing of the lists by the parties running for the Regional elections on 25 February must be completed. Already yesterday, the first useful day, the Democratic Party presented all the lists, while FdI had yet to bring those for the colleges of Cagliari and Sassari. Cuffaro's DC could give up. The wait is growing for the Psd'Az names which will arrive today.

Yesterday, the first to arrive at eight o'clock sharp in court in Cagliari was the delegation of Liberu, one of the acronyms of the Sardinian Coalition for President Renato Soru. At 7pm, the movement led by Giulia Lai had completed the filing of eight lists in Cagliari (for the constituencies of Cagliari, Medio-Campidano and Sulcis-Iglesiente) and in the courts of Oristano, Lanusei, Nuoro, Tempio and Sassari. Among the candidates, Lai in Cagliari but also the former secretary (and already candidate for the presidency of the Region in 2014) Pierfranco Devias. Lining up behind Liberu, again for the Sardinian Coalition, are the representatives of Vota Sardigna (IRS, Progres, Sardinia calls Sardinia). On the list, among others, Gavino Sale. The Reformers also got up early with party president Mara Lai.


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