The presentation of the lists for the regional elections on 25 February has begun in the six Sardinian courts . You have until tomorrow at 8pm , but many political forces are taking action today.

In Cagliari, where the lists for the three constituencies of Cagliari, Sulcis and Medio Campidano are deposited, the first to arrive were the delegations of Liberu and Vota Sardigna, two of the five groups that support Renato Soru's Sardinian Coalition.

FdI brought the lists for Medio Campidano and Sulcis Iglesiente . The prime minister's party will present all the lists today, except for those of Cagliari and Sassari which will be filed tomorrow.

Also in court in Cagliari were the delegations of Action (for Soru), Riformatori, Pd, Demos, Sardinia at Centro 20Venti .

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