The renewal of the council commissions is still postponed. During the meeting of the majority group leaders tonight, the president of the Assembly Michele Pais assured that they will be dissolved next week and reconvened for the election of the presidents who expired on 4 October last.

At the top there were no Psd'Az, Forza Italia and Fratelli d'Italia, which prevented the team from reaching the square on the definition of future equilibrium in the parliaments. It is probable that the current president of the Budget Commission Valerio De Giorgi will not be reconfirmed. A member of the Psd'Az would arrive at the helm of the third commission, but he would have to take a step back on at least one of the two he already controls - Work and Productive Activities - to make room for the UDC. In this way, the Sardists would have two presidencies, the other political forces - Lega, Fi, FdI and Udc - one each.

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