There are three (for now) aspiring governors in the running in view of the regional elections which will be held in Sardinia on February 25th ( ALL THE NEWS HERE ) .

With the step backwards of Alessandra Zedda and the "sacrifice" of Christian Solinas who avoided the "rip" of the Psd'Az, the center-right has found unity and is now focusing on Paolo Truzzu .

Campo Largo , i.e. Pd and M5S with Progressisti, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra and six other groups, supports Alessandra Todde , while the coalition Progetto Sardegna, +Europa-Azione-UPC, Rifondazione and Liberu supports Renato Soru .

But the names for the presidency could rise to five: possible candidacies of Maria Rosaria Randaccio (La Forza del Popolo) and Lucia Chessa (Sardegna Resiste).

At the moment there are around thirty lists in the field. Tomorrow and Monday the presentation of the names for the race towards the Regional Council.

The complete article by Lorenzo Piras and insights into the elections on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands, on the app and in the digital edition of the newspaper

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