Small gaffe for Valeria Marini, a guest yesterday on the Rai broadcast "La vita live".

In a debate on the theme of longevity coordinated by the conductor Alberto Matano, with guests Nunzia De Girolamo, Paola Perego and Francesco Paolantoni, the soubrette let it slip that «Sardinians are a breed to be studied».

A few seconds of embarrassment, then the sudden correction arrived: «I meant that Sardinia is a region to be studied for its longevity and in fact they are studying Sardinian genetics, even in America».

"And what age would you like to reach?" Matano then asked the showgirl who really has Sardinian origins. "At 123, even 150 years old," replied Valeria, who also received greetings for her birthday on May 14th.

For her, 56 candles on the cake.


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