The case of the Open foundation involving Matteo Renzi under investigation for illegal financing ends before the Constitutional Court. The High Court will have to assess whether the Florence Prosecutor's Office has violated his rights as a parliamentarian.

This is requested by the Hall of Palazzo Madama which with the ok of 176 senators approved the report of the Immunity Council according to which the messages acquired in the investigation must be considered as correspondence and for this reason the magistrates should have requested authorization from the Senate before using them.

The leader of Italia viva leaves before the vote and his followers assure that he was very satisfied with the result, so much so that on social media at the end of the session he writes: "The Senate today expressed itself with an overwhelming majority so that even the Florentine prosecutors respect the law and the Constitution . A nice day".

He said everything else to the Chamber in 25 minutes, during the only speech in general discussion, where he attacked above all the judiciary and the press. "That the prosecutors did not follow the rules was established by the Supreme Court, with five decisions - he continues -. Shame on those who think that we are attacking the judiciary here, we respect them. We ask that politics deal with reality, without any attack on the judiciary. A battle for legal civilization and the dignity of politics is being fought on this issue. Here we are talking about the Constitution ".

And amid the applause of his group he pulls straight to what he believes is the heart of the matter: "Politics is not a crime, this is the difference to understand otherwise justicialism is already within us". For the founder of Italia viva, it is not up to the magistrates to determine what a party is and what is not. It is "transparent money" and "reclaimed" ensures.

Then, on the letter from his father Titian: "Nobody is allowed to rape people's lives thinking that this is right. I hope that what happened to me does not happen to you".

A vote that splits the Giallorossi: Pd and M5s who in junta had abstained compactly have in fact exhibited opposing positions. The dem have sided with Renzi with the center-right and Italy alive, while the pentastellati have sided against, together with LeU, the Italian Left, reaching 76 against.

(Unioneonline / L)

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