"Dear Union,

I am the grandmother of a child who lives in Sardinia, while I reside in Lombardy. In this last year and a half it has only been possible to see it once due to the pandemic and all the (right) restrictions. In the summer I was finally able to hug him again, his parents - who were unable to move due to serious problems - put him on a plane and we grandparents welcomed him to Linate.

I was happy, everything seemed back to normal when we could periodically see him again, we know that children grow up quickly and I already suffer so much because I realize that I am missing a thousand things in his life, how can the photos, the video calls be enough?

Now Volotea has arrived which, to my great sorrow, I learned does not carry out the accompanying service for minors on board the airplanes. So when will my grandson be able to come back to us? Never? At 18 years? I'm certainly not the only one in this situation, but I would love to hear from other 'unfortunate' grandparents like us.


A disappointed grandmother


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