"Dear Union,

I would like to inform you of the facts that have been going on since March 22, 2022. They concern a family member, to be precise my mother, who was urgently hospitalized at the Brotzu Hospital in Cagliari and after 2 days they found her to be positive at Covid- 19; after 1-2 days she was transferred to the Holy Trinity in the Covid Surgery Department, without which we could absolutely see or even hear by phone; we only had contact with doctors. And this can be understood in the presence of Covid.

But on the night of April 16th, at 3 am my mother had respiratory failure; they warn me that they are transferring her to the Pulmonology Department, also Covid Department, and from April 16 to today, May 11, I still do not see my mother, despite repeated requests to give her a swab which - they keep telling me - is always positive for Covid- 19 while we know it has been negative for over 1 week.

Yesterday I heard my mom by phone, she tells me that they would have discharged her from the Pneuomology Department and instead she is transferred to the Marino Hospital of Cagliari for a physiatric consultation which will take place, according to the doctor who phoned me, 'presumably tomorrow'. I asked to be able to see my 80-year-old mother who has not seen the family since March 22 and today I find out from her that she is hospitalized in a COVID ward of the Marine Hospital.

I ask that this news be disseminated with the utmost promptness considering the seriousness of the facts.

I repeat: my mother is negative for Covid and is put back in a Covid ward.

I have been denied a visit to my mother despite national provisions from 10 March 2022.

Best regards"

Romina Pinna


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