"Dear Union,

every morning I find myself walking along the road that from the state road 125 leads to Maracalagonis called "Su staini".

It is a narrow two-lane road with various bumps and bumps, and which the locals use for running or walking activities.

However, what makes the activity dangerous is the inadequate behavior of some who, regardless of cars, walk along the road without having any safety equipment such as jackets with reflectors or other.

Just yesterday, for the umpteenth time, I risked having an accident because two ladies placed side by side did not move while another car arrived from the opposite direction, forcing me to stop in the middle of the road so as not to move. invest them.

I think it is important to bring the road system back to safe conditions as soon as possible, for pedestrians and motorists in transit.

Thanks and good job".

Signed letter (*)

(* details, to the knowledge of the editorial staff, are omitted in respect of privacy and in accordance with current legislation)


You can send your letters, reports and multimedia contents to redazioneweb@unionesarda.it specifying your name and surname and a telephone number. In the subject of the email we ask you to insert the words #Cara Unione.

(The editorial staff only gives a voice to citizens who express opinions, report disservices or anomalies and does not necessarily share the content)

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