Dozens of groups representing traditional Sardinian and representative masks arriving from Molise and Bulgaria for the twenty-sixth edition of " A Maimone " scheduled for Samugheo on February 5th . But this year the important kermesse that sees the ancient carnival masks as protagonists will also see many collateral events proposed and the organizers, the Mamutzones de Samugheo cultural association, also announce the presence of the Olympic champion Lorenzo Patta for the morning. Starting from 4 pm, the historical groups of the Sardinian carnival will catalyze the attention of the thousands of spectators ( Boes and Merdules from Ottana , Su Bundu from Orani , Sos Tumbarinos from Gavoi , Sos Thurpos from Orotelli , Is Murronalzos from Olzai , S'Attitidu 'Osinku from Bosa , Sa Maschera de Gattu from Sarule and the Flag-wavers and Musicians of the City of Candlesticks from Sassari ).

The exhibition sponsored by the Region , by the Sardinia Foundation , by the Union of Municipalities of Barigadu and by the Municipality of Samugheo will also take part in the Kukerska Città di Sredets Group , from Bulgaria , and the Devil of Tufara , one of the oldest zoomorphic masks of Molise .

On the morning of February 5, the Murats conference room , from 10.30, will host a conference on traditional Sardinian masks by Simone Pisano , professor at the University for Foreigners of Siena. Following the event " MyTokyo: Olympic emotions with Lorenzo Patta ". In the meeting moderated by Sergio Loi , the Olympic champion of the 4x100m relay at the 2020 Tokyo Games will talk about his sporting history and the emotions of his triumph in Japan. Together with the Fiamme Gialle athlete, born in Oristano but with a father and mother from Samughe, there will also be the Olympic medal won in the Rising Sun together with teammates Marcell Jacobs, Filippo Tortu and Fausto Desalu. In the afternoon the masks will therefore be the protagonists. After the fashion show, the music and dances of Massimo Pitzalis will enliven the evening.

Local handicraft products will be exhibited throughout the day and it will be possible to taste the typical products of the Samughe food and wine tradition.

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