"Dear Union,

The arrest in Alghero of the leader of the Catalan separatists, on whom an international arrest warrant had been pending for years, Carles Puigdemont, ironically produces an annoying ringing in the ears of us Sardinians who have witnessed, for the vast majority as amused spectators, to the carnival manifestations of bizarre adepts tending to an improbable and absurd secession of our island from Italy, with the relative creation of an independent state.
With a difference: while some of our popular demonstrations, even in the islet of Mal di Ventre, aroused the just general hilarity aimed only at satisfying a wind-harrowing folklore, in Catalonia, and our memory is vigilant, well-thought-out riots have followed one another for a unilateral proclamation, without any confirmation and legal support, of a large portion of Spain, precisely Catalonia, without the slightest condescension of the central state.
Puigdemont knew well that he was in the area of Sardinia where the Catalan language has well-founded traditions (even if in particular the younger generations ignore it, for the benefit of official Spanish); he felt morally protected by the family environment: a sort of defense that has nothing to do with legality; the mayor of Alghero expresses a solidarity that clashes in the presence of any legal consideration; worse still, he presented himself in the Italian territory knowing full well of the arrest warrant from which he is burdened.
In addition to this, no one forgets the shameful escape from Spain in which, unlike other adherents, he incurred to escape arrest at home.
No understanding on the part of the writer for this politician who has broken national laws without having the courage to face the consequences ".

Mario Sconamila - Finland


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